Learning to life

In 2017 Bona Anna & I presented a power point at the AANZPA  Conference in Auckland.

It is a reflection on the purpose and phases of psychodrama and emphasises the value of naming and concretising the learning from a drama  to ensure it goes beyond the therapy room in an adequate way.

Here is a link to the slides.   (PPTX)

Here as a PDF



Therapeutic Village

Podcast — Audio

US inmate advocate Ann Jacobs on RNZ – talking about prisoners.  Note the post-prison care gap!

As I listen to this interview I was glad to have the proposal and petition for the Therapeutic Village online.   I’m determined it will happen!  Listen and notice how the Village idea fills the gap.

This is a link to the submission: The Therapeutic Village

There is also a petition on OurActionStation that will be delivered to the Government and again to the Inquiry at the end of November 2018

Please sign and spread the word.



On being supple

I found this in a free email from Philip Pawson – Alexander Technique teacher. I find it very compelling.

It doesn’t matter how skilful you are. Bend a bent piece of wire to straighten it and you’ve got an extra kink in your piece of wire.

If you bend a young tree over, it gives. It bends supply and pliably. It makes no attempt to keep straight.

But stop bending it and, suddenly, it’s straight again, swaying effortlessly in the breeze.

Seven Principles inspired by Steve Jobs

Book, and see audio post probably visable in the context related items below.

The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs: Insanely Different Principles for Breakthrough Success:

The book is rooted in the Seven Principles inspired by Steve Jobs:

  1. Do What You Love: Think differently about your career.
  2. Put a Dent in the Universe: Think differently about your vision.
  3. Kick Start Your Brain: Think differently about how you think.
  4. Sell Dreams, Not Products: Think differently about your customers.
  5. Say No to 1,000 Things: Think differently about design.
  6. Create Insanely Great Experiences: Think differently about your brand experience.
  7. Master the Message. Think differently about your story.

Overall, it’s business motherhood and apple pie, filtered through the uniquely creative mind of Steve Jobs.   It’s important to recognize, however, that each of us is our own unique person, and the only person who can think or be like Steve Jobs is …. Steve Jobs.

Relationship and Attachment

How Do Attachment Issues Impact Adult Relationships?
Around twenty years ago we started turning our attention to the attachment system in regards to adult
relationships. Hazan and Shaver were two of the first researchers who postulated that attachment patterns play
out in adult romantic relationships. They developed a series of questions designed to isolate behaviours in adults
that mimic attachment styles in infants; secure, avoidant, ambivalent, dismissive, disorganised and reactive.
What they found was that not only were adults similar to infants in the way that these behaviours played out in
relationships, but that there was a direct correlation between the style in which someone was parented and the
attachment that person would develop later in life. Hazan and Shaver’s research was pivotal for the way that we
see relationships today, and their work ultimately led to the development of many assessment tools attempting to
gauge attachment styles in adults. One of the more popular tools today is the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI)
developed by Mary Main. Yet the field of studying attachment in adults is still vastly unexplored, and this leaves
many adults searching for answers and therapy that would address their issues.
Attachment disruption is one of the hardest problems to address by parents and professionals due to the fact
that solutions are often counter intuitive and that the symptoms often go unrecognised. Below I have compiled a
list of characteristics I often see in both children and adults with attachment issues. This is by no means a
comprehensive list, rather a cluster of symptoms to look out for when treating a client with identified attachment
problems originating from the first three years of their life.

This is a quote from Mark Coen’s paper presented at the NZAP conference this year (I was not there, but just found it on the website, here.) Copy: TheAttachmentContinuum.pdf

The quote is in line with my experience as a therapist, and he goes on the describe the various relationship styles, useful.

The guidelines for treatment, I’ve just checked again to be sure, do not mention couple therapy explicitly and there are no guidelines there for relationship psychotherapy.

This prompts me to present a relationship therapy paper, it is so essential that the relational paradigm is presented. And a paper won’t quite meet my other principle, that experiential learning is the way to make this case, not really papers. Maybe both would be best.

Sociodrama – Resources


Rory Remer, Ph.D., Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology, University of Kentucky
Abstract: The original formulation of Morenean sociometry has been, for the most part, modified. Consequently, a question arises about the effectiveness of that formulation relative to its derivatives. In this article, I make a delineation between Morenean (strong) sociometry and other adaptationse, aiming at a revitalization of Moreno’s theory.

Language – Resources

There are too many to keep track of here, but exploring the related posts (below) should find them all.

David Grove – cleanlanguage–business.txt

David Grove – Less is More- grove-cleanlanguage.doc

David Grove – PerceptualPositions.txt

The Language of Nonviolence.doc

The Language of Nonviolence
When words come from the heart, they break through barriers and elicit compassion, says Marshall B. Rosenberg

by Sarah van Gelder, Marshall B. Rosenberg

Psychodrama and Psychotherapy – Resources

This post is just for BOTH psychodrama and psychotherapy – see als Psychodrama – Resources and Psychotherapy – Resources. I’ll add more as I discover more.

A comparison of psychoanalytic and
psychodramatic theory from a
psychodramatist’s perspective

abstract A comparison of Freud’s and Moreno’s theories with regard to their implications
for psychodrama therapy. Basic differences in the theories are discussed with special regard to
therapist role, transference and tele, insight and catharsis, the time concept, the body, and
developmental psychology. Other topics treated are concepts of drive or energy, psychic structure
and role theory, psychic determinism contra the doctrine of spontaneity-creativity and differences
between an intrapsychic and an interpersonal approach. An outline of the relationship of
psychodrama and its philosophy and practice to other schools of psychotherapy is given.

Raul Moncayo – Lacan

I’ve been listening to Dr Dave Shrink rap radio interview with Raul Moncayo.  I found the whole thing pleasant.  Yes, weird, but it was pleasant because it resonated with what is in my head a lot of the time, not the same content but the same questions  – the same discourse.  

I also listened to the earlier Wise Counsel podcast, less pleasant but more stimulating. 

Links follow

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