Digital Sketches – desire of the pen

Since my project ThousandSketches I have continued to sketch.  Digital painting – but I like the term sketch.  Many of these are on my art website. That site is still there but I’ve deprecated it and tried to integrate it into this blog.  It’s a bit of a mess. Still, this blog becomes an art blog when you click the Art Category. Digital Sketches delivers just my own work.

I’m warming up to posting more.  I’ve beed reflecting on the delicacy of nature, and the crudeness of humanity’s sometimes beautiful desire to transcend itself.  This began with the earth crosses…  natural textures of landscape cut by something I think of as human presence, fast and bold.


That’s 12 years ago. “Green Peace”

Here is a recent one – not in the earth cross series but maybe in a new one.


Maybe it is called “Science”, or “Civilisation”.  Playing on the theme of putting borders or frames around art.

Do I put these in the container?  or are they better left wild?

Itchy pen.




I called this an autopix when I did them. I could do the outline with my eyes shut.  Love to re-kindle.



Austin Kleon & doing art.

I’m a fan. I get his newsletter and calendars.

Look at this beautifully crafted blog post. Inspiring in content and also in form. This would win a blog Oscar if there were one.

Such a simple point. Do a little art everyday. Presented by a thousand art coaches, but here it is fresh and inspiring.


Now on a more personal more. I committed to work on my art book 15 minutes a day in January. Managed that for about 28 of the 31.

At day 28 I got tired. But more than that I got stuck. I wish I’d read his post then, but never mind, back on the wagon.

The interesting thing is that the book is about the hero’s journey. If you read Austin’s post you will see that he does not like the word journey for the art process. Making art is not linear.

But then again there is a pattern.

Once you are in that “special world” there is really no turning back and going forward there are just tests and ordeals. Until you get through, till you are on the road back.

No way am I through with my project.  I’m facing tests and ordeals. And here is a page I’ve got of just that.

This is reflexive moment on the journey.  I’m illustrating the trouble I’m in.  Back to groundhog day.


BTW there are plenty of blog awards.  One blogger of the year features the slogan Eat, Sleep, Blog, Repeat.



Sketching again! Flower Power.

Its been a while, and I won’t have many as I’m working on some serious writing projects, but have loved doing these as I am more rested over the holiday period.

I’m on a roll here… they could be a series.  The aim is to make flowers, not… I know… flower power.


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Night and day – Day

I am not as prolific as in my ThousandSketches days. But when the urge comes I find I’m enjoying my productions. I recently sold a few prints and loved making them. Last night I thought about spring. I made the image below, Day I called it. So I also made a Night. Next post.

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I am nature Triptych

No I’ve not yeast printed them but put them on Pinterest, and snapped the three side by side.

I am nature triptych

These were built from the same DNA but have vastly different experiences, and have washed out in their various ways… Are they still related?

Another of three

IMG_1008, originally uploaded by Waltzzz.

This is an image (like all these recent instagram ones has been somewhat mutilated by filters. The thing is that in cyberspace things don’t really wear down with age or use, but instagram instantly gives the image some sense of being worn in – like a n old pair of jeans. Then I think wabi sabi. I looked for images with that tag and found a few that sit well alongside this one 9and the others probably) – ill post them up in the next post.


I am nature

photo.JPG, originally uploaded by Waltzzz.

This is a triptych created by making three Instagram versions from the same image. On the iPad.

The phrase “I am nature” from Jackson Pollock was going through my mind and was the stimulus for me to continue in my calligraphy mode. I have that sense that my nature is in these sketches, they flow from my hand and get tweaked by my eye.

There is more though. I’m challenging my owns and certainly the genesal concepttion that the tools, are not natural. There is something very organic about the growth of these tools. I’ve watched them evolve over 20 or more years and they have their own identity and nanature, they bring their own character to the party, they might well say “I am nature”.

I’ll post the next two up in a moment.

My other blog!

I have another blog: Psyberspace This is a test message to see if a post here alerts a reader on that blog.

Ill add an img for good measure.

Here is a recent doodle of mine:

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Back to Flickr

0023_dafodils_w by Waltzzz

This is an early sketch in my ThousandSketches – I recall being delighted how it captured my intention!


And I’m back on Flickr – tried Zenphoto but it does not have all the functionality, and upgrading it is hard, and I think it let the hack attack into my server. So, I’ll let yahoo do it. And I have copies in Aperture.